Tuesday, August 14, 2007
BMW M 3, generation 4
As without brakes as the sales of the sportily inspired Mittelklässlers also price and achievement developed. 1987 if still 58,000 Marks for the membership in the M 3-Club were to be paid, then would be now 130,556, if there were the D-mark still. If still 200 HP were located to beech in the first model, there is now 420. The number of cylinders doubled themselves, from at that time four in row faces each other now two banks of it in V-type. And instead of an engine speed of 6.700 the crankshaft rotates at that time under full load today 8,400 times in the minute. That is 140 times in each second. “High speed concept” calls BMW that and because thereby so well technical authority can be proven, it gives also with AUDI and Mercedes such engines.
Autoindustry: BMW makes abroad shining business
The BMW company advances at present only on the German homeland market despite a number of new models not quite. In Asia, North America and Europe the number of the distribution rose in July around approximately in each case 20 per cent. On the other hand the success-delicate company in Germany had to be content with a minimum paragraph plus 23.415 cars sold from 0,2 per cent to. The company makes responsible for it among other things the disconcertion in view of the climatic debate. BMW on good way sees itself nevertheless, in order to come out as winners from the CO2-Diskussion.
BMW sells more cars than AUDI and Mercedes
The German autofarmer BMW sold a fifth of more cars in July 2007 than one year is before and thereby clearly more strongly grown than the rivals AUDI and Mercedes. 123,017 cars of the marks BMW, Mini and Rolls-Royce were delivered to the customers, exactly 20 per cent more than in July 2006, communicated residents of Munich the enterprise on Tuesday. “With it the growth dynamics accelerated themselves at the beginning of the second half-year further”, avowed BMW.
Racing soldier rammed family father - two dead ones
The employee of the Chemnitzer „parquet Studios “had risen on the early morning in the Marienberger local part Rübenau into its Renault small transporter. Its wife Marion (43) it had pressed still another parting kiss on the cheek - it should be the latter in its life.It drove the way to the work over the federal highway daily. But with which it did not count: A German Federal Armed Forces soldier (20, driving licence because of alcohol extracted) rests from direction Chemnitz in a 5er BMW against. At height of the old MZ-work the car schlitterte on the Gegenfahrbahn. There it hit against the Renault of refuge Sch.
BMW plans attack on the WM-title
Actually that should be content running universe with the achievements shown so far in the WM-season of this year. Because only the two superteams McLaren Mercedes and Ferrari are stationed before it.
Denkste! BMW wants now more. Willy Rampf, technical director of the white-blue, calls to the attack on the completely large ones.
“We may not back-lean now. For this year we have a current advancement”, avowed Rampf the American media. “There is small steps. And in such a way the team under pressure remains, because we come to running and fighten around positions.”
Denkste! BMW wants now more. Willy Rampf, technical director of the white-blue, calls to the attack on the completely large ones.
“We may not back-lean now. For this year we have a current advancement”, avowed Rampf the American media. “There is small steps. And in such a way the team under pressure remains, because we come to running and fighten around positions.”
BMW between flirt and to marriage
Those gave its yes-word to Bavaria their two current drivers.
But now the residents of Munich buhlen around the twice world champion Alonso. The “express” goes around a contract starting from 2008, reports.
Alonso, at present second in the driver valuation, is dissatisfied with McLaren Mercedes as a team colleague of the prominent Lewis Hamilton.
The Spaniard is with a premature outlet after this season liebäugeln.
But now the residents of Munich buhlen around the twice world champion Alonso. The “express” goes around a contract starting from 2008, reports.
Alonso, at present second in the driver valuation, is dissatisfied with McLaren Mercedes as a team colleague of the prominent Lewis Hamilton.
The Spaniard is with a premature outlet after this season liebäugeln.
BMW convinces in Oschersleben
The Suzuki Endurance Racing team with Vincent Philippe, Matthieu Lagrive and Julien Costa got itself the victory at the 24 hours of Oschersleben, the fourth long-distance WM run of the season there. The Frenchmen profited by it from a small to the Ausrut troop from Kawasaki France with Steve Plater, Gwen Giabbani and Julian Mazuecos.Rank three went to the troop from Yamaha Austria with Igor Jerman, Sebastien Scarnato and the Australian Steve Martin. The crew of Mandy Kainz got itself the last landing place with a projection/lead of seven rounds on the team Kawasaki Bolliger from Switzerland with refuge Saiger, Patric Muff and David Morillon.
BMW purchase limits platzieren
As the experts would report, BWM was high-profitably, however uninteresting with a 50% large shareholder from view of the financial investors completely. Against Quandt nobody can operate effectively. Thus place yourself the question, from where the new impact comes for a clearly higher evaluation of BMW, which can be derived from all results. According to opinion of the experts happen this then only if BMW supplies new perspectives. It concerns approx. 15/17%. This can lead also in the case of a hereditary course to the fact that the Freefloat increases clearly. In this case a partial sales of the BMW package would be probably safe by inheriting rather. The associated combinations would permit a quite interesting perspective, which one could not temporally define well. Most likely is to be assumed however the executive committee and banks would put it inheriting close to reduce the family majority clearly. BMW would be however then a justifiable Investment for long-term investors.
Rally DOS Sertоes: Nobre in the X-Raid BMW fights itself forward
Dustily it goes at present ago into Brazil on the Rally DOS Sertões, the largest Marathonrally South America. And a change bath of the feelings might at present experience also the Brazilian Paulo Nobre with its X-Raid BMW X3CC: If it still created it in the pro log at place 4, it slipped on the 1. Stage after technical problems at place 32 - and thus into the depths of the total valuation.But Nobre would not be Nobre, if he could be impressed from such a low impact - and so it caught up powerfully, terminated the second, third and fourth stage with the first place and fought itself so at place 9 of the total valuation highly.
BMW: Models compatibly for Apple iPhone
Was BMW here a little faster than the others? New Apple iPhone is there and with its two most important ranges Telefonie and iPod enterprise from the first day on from most BMW models is supported. Everything which the customer necessarily for the enterprise in BMW, is a free intercom with Bluetooth connection and a USB an audio interface.Whether telephone, hear music or the directory to call - BMW promises that the operation Apple iPhone completely simply by the control elements and display in the car is made. The special challenge for the technicians consisted according to BMW of it steering two separate functions (telephone and iPod enterprise) now via an interface. So is that the multimedia benefit in BMW according to manufacturer nothing more in the way.
Formula BMW the USA: Gutierrez puts picture book a starting goal victory down
Tambay, which became third yesterday, today nevertheless created place 2 and drove the fastest running round. The total value-prominent Morad, exactly like Tambay of eurointernational, experienced itself rank 3. Philip major (Autotecnica) and Robert Thorne (team Apex Racing the USA) achieved the last two places of the Top5.Gutierrez and Tambay could set off fast, behind it gave it an exciting fight for the last podium place. Ricardo Favoretto (HBR engine haven team the USA) fought against Alexander Rossi (team Apex Racing), which ended, when Rossi rausdrehte itself and had to right at the back again arrange itself. Favoretto however got a passage punishment because of an avoidable collision.
BMW driver pursued police
Wild pursuits are not anything unusual for policemen - nevertheless on Sunday a police car pursued by a BMW driver… Against 1.15 two policemen with blue light and Martinshorn drove o'clock to an escalated family controversy. “The colleagues drove thereby faster than normally permitted and over-driven naturally also check surfaces and pulled through lines”, report police speakers of olive direction finders.With the view into the rear view mirror the colleagues were not astonished badly: “As pulled on the Schnürchen” (so the impression of an official) a 3er BMW in the distance of 20 meters behind them rests ago. The travel went over the road at the Gulloh, Kemminghauser road up to the Evinger road. There the order guardians had finally been able to send colleagues by radio to the family controversy - now they showed their “shade” the spoon.
BMW launchte new BMW X5 with support by Ideea
The Munich autocompany BMW assigned citizen of Berlin the enterprise Ideea measurement and building of decorations the conversion of the equipment for the international Launch of the new BMW X5. The meeting also over 4.000 visitors from all world took place in February and March in the Spanish Valencia. Under the direction of the agency Bluescope, which was responsible for Design and realization, Ideea took over the complete interior and external development that altogether five places of event.In receipt the BMW guests were taken already at the airport. In close co-operation and under the leadership of Ideea the company Nüssli established its own Welcome terminal there. The temporary building consisting of several building parts with inner courts and attached functional areas was equipped by Ideea in high-quality building method.
24h von Oschersleben: Double victory for team BMW motorcycle engine haven
Radiating sunshine and jubilant spectators took 12 August the team BMW motorcycle engine haven at the target line on Sunday, in receipt. After 24 hours of constant concentration and high speed the goal drivers terminated Thomas Hinterreiter and Jose Luis Nion representatively of two BMW motorcycle work team with their Rennboxern the 4. Run of the 2007 QMMF long-distance world championship in the German Oschersleben with a undreamt-of success: They sealed the 1 in this moment both. and 2. Place in the open class and the placements 5 and 9 in the strong international Gesamtklassement.After the large joy over the 16. Rank with the first employment of the Rennboxers in Le Mans to 21. /22. On 07 July the team for the German long-distance classical author ambitious goals had set itself April and the harsh disappointment of Barcelona.
Mobile radio operator CO2 wins BMW as a big customer
The mobile network carrier CO2 Germany calls itself from today on standard portable radio partners for BMW Group in Germany for the mobile speaking and data communication. The basic agreement with the automobile producer covers 40,000 portable radio connections and consists of extensions of contracts as well as new contracts already existing. The running time of the contract ends 2011. Financial details of the basic agreement do not publication the enterprises.
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